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Quick crossword No. 634 - Quick

submitted by lindagentryvon on 29 Jan 2007 at 03:32 PM GMT

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Note: All the crossword submitted to Puzzlers' Cave are designed, created, and submitted on the own time of our members. Our members are generally amateur crossword setters and as such their crosswords may contain factual inaccuracies and occasional spelling mistakes. The commenting and mistake reporting systems allow you to describe problems, to supply positive feedback, or to prove construction criticism to the submitter. The comments system is not for supplying abusive or unhelpful comments.

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"...I feel like you made up some words......."

commented embolini on 02 February 2007 at 05:02 AM GMT

"..."Embolini" I would never make up some words. If you'd be more specific, I can look up whatever words you're talking about and look them up...."

commented lindagentryvon on 02 February 2007 at 02:27 PM GMT

"...Did not make that much sense, "strong as an ox" not really a cliche, and seedtime? I have never heard that saying. "We can buy our own rang tones", the sentences you use make no sense. ..."

commented jmcclusky on 19 February 2007 at 11:38 AM GMT

"...jmclusky. I think you meant to say "We can buy our own ring tones." (Don't you own a cell phone?) Sorry you didn't like the puzzle, it may have been too difficult for you...."

commented lindagentryvon on 19 February 2007 at 09:58 PM GMT

"...25 across and 14 down are kinda silly clues, and i've never heard of "seedtime" either. also, a "luge" is used for the sport Luge. a bobsled is used for bobsledding. but still have to give you credit for being able to put one of these together...."

commented beckdork on 29 March 2007 at 05:54 PM GMT

"...Good Grief! Don't you folks ever check the dictionary. "Strong as an Ox," is definitely a cliche! "Seedtime" is a legitimate word used all over for "a time to plant seeds, etc." I think part of doing a crossword is learning new words, isn't it??? Anyway, thanks for taking the time to work the puzzle...."

commented lindagentryvon on 30 March 2007 at 01:44 PM GMT

"...A bit to american for me I'm afraid..."

commented jerredk on 18 September 2007 at 11:53 AM GMT

"..."Notta" is not slang for "no," but nada is Spanish for no...."

commented ttreweek on 24 February 2008 at 05:45 AM GMT

"..."nada" is spanish for "nothing" eyeful? since when is that a real word shouldn't it be eyefull?..."

commented egoman39 on 01 March 2008 at 12:05 AM GMT

"...21a: "Cliche" is completely legitimate. 3d: "Seedtime" as two words a bit of a stretch but still within accepted cw practice. Agree with the author, people need to use a...dictionary?, before criticizing a puzzle. 22d: Completely new to me. ..."

commented moldycheese on 16 December 2014 at 08:35 AM GMT

"...s cleared. When you've understood what should be done, then you're proceed while using job regarding cutting a hole.Remember all the time to set the system slightly out from level.This could allow all the condensate to be able to drain without difficulty.Plugging the device is as well crus cleared.<br /> <br /> When you've understood what should be done, then you're proceed while using job regarding cutting a hole.Remember all the time to set the system slightly out from level.This could allow all the condensate to be able to drain without difficulty.Plugging the device is as well crucial and it must be done having proper recognition.Check the actual voltage it need to be plugged around - even if 120 volts and 240 volts.It should not happen the fact that the unit overloads a outlet rounds.Another compact thing though we typically forget taking care if we make typically the hole within the wall is that in case the cord from your unit grows to the connector point.<br /> <br /> These are few of the basic things you must have note.But we may advice that when you're not absolutely sure about having the capacity to do it yourself you shouldn't be trying you need to do it...."

commented ehendermary on 05 April 2018 at 06:20 PM GMT